I have come a long way since last December. The ups and downs that I have seen are aplenty. B-school, a new country, different people, different standard of living, different priorities et al have all thrown me off the edge and taken me a lot of time to understand. I had questioned my learning graph. B-school kept me so busy that my interest in politics was dying, my ability to be aware of the world around me was dying. All I found myself being entangled in was the politics and nuances of a small community of the b-school. I always wanted to know and experience a US high school feeling and I guess with a bunch of 'popular girls' and a bunch of 'cool guys' and a certain set of 'supporter idiots' all existing in my b-school I got that experience first hand. And I dont want to rule out the possibility that I might have been a part of this high school drama at some point too. You know its so strong a thrust that you just get sucked into it without knowing. And by being so closely involved in all this, I felt that I was losing out on all the good learning. Business learning also seemed to stop after the first trimester and didnt keep me as involved as I thought it should. But now that the summer is here, its doing a very good job helping me recuperate. I still havent had time to breathe, but its still my time!
As I look back to the last nine months that I have spend here in US, I realize that I have learnt so much. I have experienced life first hand. I feel blessed to have lived a life the way I just did. How many get the opportunity to visit countries and cities and meet people and live life completely unfazed all by oneself. I cant bring myself to describe how grateful I am to the freedom that I am enjoying. I am living a life that I want to and I call my shots. Totally unfazed by anything that is binding. Its scary sometimes. We all like some restrictions and as a result create some for our own selves. But currently I have managed to fight that natural instinct and live life that I have designed. And I am loving it. But somewhere I know, this will not last. I will not let it last.
Current Status - Loving the smell of freedom