Monday, February 27, 2012
A naked Woman

And such is a woman's body. Truly poetic. Truly inspirational. And then we have the younger idiotic younger generation that tries to play around with that image and make woman what she is not - a statue!
The little flab on the tummy, the slightly sagging boobs (umm.. coz they are real), the oblong buttocks (no they are not round and juicy). Love a man who can appreciate this. So sexy that man is and so aroused he makes me. I lay naked in my thoughts ready to make love to a man who is real but who is mysterious. I want to pleasure him back.
Courtesy: the dancing women outside the Herberger Theater Center.
Face of the truth,
Little Things,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day!
Years after I still remember Valentine's day as the day I wore the pink saree :)
Nevertheless, here is wishing a good day to everyone in Love.
Little Things,
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Subway Station

The many interpretations of nature and what its worth. I recently visited Roger W. Koon’s gallery in downtown SFO. A rich and beautiful culmination of his travels around the country mostly of the wild. Quite a prime location for some such new art. Of course what went through my mind was how well he must be living selling these pictures, but also how lucky was he to capture what he saw and how he saw it. Although sadly that’s not how I saw it and I was verbal about it. Standing in his space, I spoke my mind. I didn’t see what he saw; not in nearly most of his pictures. But I still was inspired to better capture my travels.. in mind, heart, or soul.
Little Things,