Monday, January 18, 2010


And the honeymoon period ends! I am sitting on the shitpot and writing this post.. Yeah yeah.. dont go euu and yikes..! Thats the only place in the entire house where I get some peace and am away from the realization that it has been hypnotized by a pink giant.

Aaah.. Happy one month to me! It was an awesome break and I couldnt have asked for a better one. Everything was perfect..everything was the way I wanted it to be..everything was on my terms and I didnt mind adjusting for the some. But now starts the diplomacy and the cold wars and the unknown acknowledgements of who gets the bigger piece of the pie.

Mom, I love you. Madhav, I love you. I wish I had more people to love. But the world isnt as easy as they make it for me. And I need to learn better. S square are great. I am close to loving them. But it stops right there.



SwB said...

well - you can love me if you like :)

All the best G.

G said...

Hehe.. :)
Thanks for offering..
I shall consider.. :) lol

vinay said...

I wonder how one manages to write a post on a shitpot :D. I'm sure the coming days would also be on your terms. You are lucky to be loved. :).God bless u.

G said...

Suri.. I love you too.. u know that.. But this post wasnt meant to be written in that way.. Life is difficult for me...
read the following line... "But the world isnt as easy as they make it for me."....
u know that u dont make life easier for me.. dont you?
But that doesnt mean that i dont love you..