Sunday, August 8, 2010

Another Day in Paradise

Has anyone ever seen what paradise looks like? Well, it was beautiful! But prolly because it doesnt exist in reality, it doesnt last. Its like a dream within a dream. Yes, just like Dicaprio's inception. Surreal.

If there exists paradise, then there definitely exists its opposite. Is it called hell? And indeed it does exist, coz its haunting me.

Today has been a roller coaster ride coz such varied and extreme emotions were visible in a span of 20 hours. Very intense!

I do understand the concept of "the balance". To experience the good, you have to experience the bad. But I dont want to. Id rather not have the good, to not have the bad.


Does everyone have a limit to being indifferent? How long can one be indifferent towards something? 1 day, 1 week, a month, a year, 10 years..or it depends? But is there a finite limit? Is it limited by time or is it limited by quantity? How much can one take? If its time, then do things and people start mattering to you after a certain period of time? You could choose to either like them or dislike them. But you cannot be indifferent towards them! You do feel, don't you?

Is it just me or does it happen to everyone? How long can one continue to give an ear to someone. They sure need it and they are your people, but are you invincible? Dont you have enough problems of your own? Will they stop being your friend if you refuse to be a part of their mundane talks? Well! Its entertaining, dont get me wrong. But you are a human too. Or arent you?

Current Status - Irritated

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