Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Metamorphosis.. or the Camouflage

Dedicated to the third most truly loved man in my life.

So you know yourself a little better today.. or do you?
I have always been a little mystery to myself. There is always some part of me that I am never aware of. Should that scare me? Moreover, as I come close to figuring myself out, I change. And then there is more figuring one out and the cycle continues.

I have heard many complain that they are today what they never thought they would be. On the other hand, some people fondly accept the changes that life has brought to them. Oh! I would never get married.. I just cannot. Kids.. ! I can never have kids.. even if I do, Id give them away to my parents to take care of them. They are such a nuisance. I would never let a guy become more important to me than my own life. My guy would be lucky.. he'd have the best sex of his life. I'll be a beautiful bride. Id never forgive a guy if he cheats on me... oh.. and one even better than the last one.... Id give my guy another chance. ...
So many I know have come up with bold statements like these and have dearly believed in them and not just that made a couple of bucks off of them advising others. But currently, they are so manipulated by their own lives and they dont even realize it.

And so.. just like that.. I have stopped saying Never. And I used to wonder what exactly does experience teach you and how much can you rely on it. Well.. in one scenario.. A lot.. Yes. I have stopped saying Never. But isnt there a 'never' in 'never say never'. Such an irony. And in the other scenario..No, beware coz it can fool you. Life changes so fast.. faster than the speed of light. Can you believe it. And you dont even come to know.

But then I wonder... this change that I talk about.. Is it a phenomenon, some kind of destiny, god's will if one must say so.. metamorphosis? Or is it really another manipulation of the wicked human mind? Just to cover up the muddy past or to protect the misguided future? Some kind of camouflage?

I have changed. A lot. I dont know whether its a result of some form of metamorphosis which every living creature has to go through in one way or the other. Or is it really my own mind playing games with me trying to set me into the current scenario that I have so undauntedly become a part of. But whatever it is, it is very unfamiliar but interesting. Havent I always liked to discover new things? But I'd like to stop playing games now and know the trick.. the magic wand that will make it all right!

Cant wait...

Current Status - Waiting...
Finding - Life manipulates..

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