Tuesday, July 12, 2011

..that link..

V says a link is missing... strangely enough.. so is mine.. !

Everything is in the best place that it could be for me as of now, but there is still something missing. And like most things I cannot put my finger on this one either. New job, new apartment (the most beautiful that I have ever lived in), new found freedom and the sudden responsibility of being all grown up, the pleasure of having Mom with me, and he seems at his best in the last one year... but then why is there something missing ..?

I guess I always have preferred to keep the old things/people/places. I try and hold onto them for as long as I can. This particularly happens with people too. I fail to see the good in the new. No wonder I held onto him for this long.

And on a totally unrelated note...this song has been playing in my head since last night.. !!
For that magic moment that I await.. and so does he.. !


Anonymous said...

a link will always be missing ... always ... I have been reading your ramblings for a while now ... I don't know you but what I know makes me say ... stop fooling around ... you have lot of potential

G said...

Well thanks Sir/Ma'am for recognizing my potential. Means a lot to me! I shall always remember your kind words.
That said now time for some gyaan from me.. when you dont know a person enough, like you said you dont, you shouldnt pass judgements.